Why wont my droid incredible vibrate when touching keys

Why I don't want an iPhone any more |.
I used to love the iPhone, but I'll never buy one again. Here's why.
Since installing the 2.3.3 update my keyboard either crashes completely (not recently) or it breaks. When I say break I mean it fails to show pop ups anymore.

HTC Droid Incredible 2 Manual User Guide.
HTC Droid Incredible 2 can be ensured that this 2 number was indicated the second version of HTC Droid Incredible. If you wanna make a comparison between the How do you turn off text vibrations on.
Why wont my droid incredible vibrate when touching keys
My Computer Won't - How To Information |. Why I don't want an iPhone any more |.
How do you turn off text vibrations on.
My t mobile concord phone stopped working it makes the start up sound and while it does that it has a white screen. My bb curve can`t start up after remove battery
My phone vibrates every time I press keys to text. i turned off the vibrate thing under the sound menu but it still does it.
Why wont my droid incredible vibrate when touching keys
How do i rebot my t-mobile concord? it..